Saturday, September 21, 2013

Why this blog?

I guess this has been brewing for a while...every so often a thought comes to mind or an emotion and I feel I should write it down somewhere.  Also, when I read other blogs on home decor, lifestyle, art or photography (and I have been following a LOT of them for a while now) - I feel a creative urge to allow others a glimpse into my world as well.  What makes me tick?  What moves me on a given day?  

For the most part, I don't anticipate penning words of great profundity - I think I live a small life, with modest ambitions and dreams.  A lot of times, the most mundane things give me the most joy.  My circle of close friends is small, but I do enjoy mingling with a diverse set of people.  I have a varied set of interests ranging from reading, art and music to even dance, when it strikes my fancy.  But nevertheless, it should be an interesting experience putting words, images and sounds out into the ether...

Let's see where this leads... :-)